
Chiptuning for all 991.2 with 3.0L / 3.8L turbo engines
From now on we offer software and hardware performance upgrades (Stage 1 and 2) for all Porsche models with 3.0 / 3.8 turbo engine. After a long test and development period, we can individually modify and program the engine control units of nearly all 991.2 models. As usual, Stage 1 consists of pure software optimization, while Stage 2 also includes a sports exhaust system with flap control.
We are currently working on a Stage 3 performance upgrade, which is expected to be available from the end of 2017. In addition to the software optimization and sports exhaust system, modified upgrade turbochargers are used, which once again ensure a significant increase in performance!
By the end of this month, software performance upgrades / chiptuning for the new Cayman and Boxster 718 models with 2.0 / 2.5 turbo engines will also be available
mcchip-dkrでは後期型991.2 3.0L / 3.8Lターボエンジンを搭載するすべてのモデルのECUチューニング及びパフォーマンスチューニングプログラムの(stage1 / stage2)をリリースいたしました。stage2チューニングではフラップ付きスポーツエキゾーストシステムを組み合わせリコメンドとなります。また現在stage3プログラムの開発を進めております。アップグレードターボを組み合わせたstage3プログラムは年内をめどにリリース予定です。
991.2 Carrera / Carrera Cabriolet / Carrera 4 / Carrera 4 Cabriolet / Carrera T / Targa 4 | |
Stock power: | 370 hp / 450 Nm / 293 kph |
Software Stage 1: | 500 hp / 615 Nm / 295 kph |
Software incl. sports exhaust Stage 2: | 515 hp / 630 Nm / 295 kph |
991.2 Carrera S / Carrera S Cabriolet / Carrera 4S / Carrera 4S Cabriolet / Targa 4S | |
Stock power: | 420 hp / 500 Nm / 306 kph |
Software Stage 1: | 500 hp / 615 Nm / 295 kph |
Software incl. sports exhaust Stage 2: | 515 hp / 630 Nm / 295 kph |
991.2 Carrera GTS / Carrera GTS Cabriolet / Carrera 4 GTS / Carrera GTS Cabriolet / Targa 4 GTS | |
Stock power: | 450 hp / 550 Nm / 310 kph |
Software Stage 1: | 525 hp / 635 Nm / 312 kph |
Software incl. sports exhaust Stage 2: | 540 hp / 650 Nm / 312 kph |
991.2 Turbo / Turbo Cabriolet | |
Stock power: | 540 hp / 660 Nm (710 Nm Sport Chrono) / 320 kph |
Software Stage 1: | 630 hp / 780 Nm (780 Nm Sport Chrono) / 334 kph |
Software incl. sports exhaust Stage 2: | 660 hp / 800 Nm (800 Nm Sport Chrono) / 334 kph |
991.2 Turbo S / Turbo S Cabriolet | |
Stock power: | 580 hp / 700 Nm (750 Nm Sport Chrono) / 330 kph |
Software Stage 1: | 630 hp / 780 Nm (780 Nm Sport Chrono) / 334 kph |
Software incl. sports exhaust Stage 2: | 660 hp / 800 Nm (800 Nm Sport Chrono) / 334 kph |